09. Tests

1. pldotnet tests

To run the tests in the tests folder, you can use the make command followed by the name of the test you want to run. For example, to run the F# tests, you can use the make fsharp-tests command. To run the C# tests, you can use the make csharp-tests command. If you want to run all the tests at once, you can use the make pldotnet-tests command.

Before running the tests, make sure that you have the required dependencies installed and that your environment is set up correctly (see the Installation guide page). If you are having trouble running the tests, you may want to check the documentation or seek help from the relevant support channels.

Our system has tests for all the implemented types, and you can use these tests to help you become productive quickly.

The output is saved inside the automated_test_results folder with the <testfile>.out name. A summary of all of them is placed with the automated_test_results.out name.

2. Benchmark tests

We have included tests to measure the speed of our system, and we have set up a docker container to compare the performance of PL/.NET with other procedural languages such as pljava, plpython, plv8. To start and access this container, you can follow these steps:

# Clone the pldotnet repository:
git clone https://github.com/Brick-Abode/pldotnet.git

# Change into the repository directory:
cd pldotnet

# Create a docker container to build the packages
docker-compose run --rm pldotnet-ubuntu22 bash

While inside the container, you can execute the benchmark tests by running the make benchmark-tests command. The results of these tests will be saved in a CSV file located in the automated_test_results folder, and the file will be named using the following format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY_HOUR-MINUTES-SECONDS.csv.

3. Stress tests

We have also included stress tests to ensure the stability and reliability of our system under heavy load. However, before running them, also make sure that you have the required dependencies installed and that your environment is set up correctly.

You can run these tests using the make stress-test command. The tests results will be stored in a CSV file named stress_test.out in the automated_test_results folder.