September 28, 2023

How Fast Is PL.NET

When it comes to speed, our benchmarks evaluate the performance of all PostgreSQL stored procedure languages in their capacity to efficiently move data in and out of the database while carrying out computations. These benchmarks specifically gauge how well PL.NET bridges the gap between these two environments.

In these tests, we find ourselves in a remarkable position – we are tied for the title of the fastest stored procedure language. It's an impressive tie with PostgreSQL's native stored procedure language, known as pl/pgsql. However, it's crucial to note that this tie in speed pertains only to the procedural language benchmarks. In the broader scope, PL.NET outperforms pl/pgsql by a significant margin. This superiority is attributed to several factors: PL.NET is compiled, strongly-typed, and supports multi-threading, embodying all the attributes you'd expect from a modern language runtime. In contrast, pl/pgsql lacks these essential features.

Furthermore, pl/pgsql falls short as a developer-friendly programming environment. It doesn't even qualify as a distinct programming language; instead, it functions as an extension of the PostgreSQL database and SQL. Its imperative language extensions atop SQL are relatively basic compared to the robust capabilities of C# or F#. The development and debugging tools for pl/pgsql pale in comparison, and it lacks libraries, resulting in a subpar experience for developers.

So, the fact that we are on par with pl/pgsql in terms of speed, particularly in its area of strength, which is its close integration with PostgreSQL, speaks volumes. In reality, we surpass it comprehensively in overall performance. In fact, we outshine every other language within the PostgreSQL ecosystem. To put it simply, we are exceptionally fast.