Why .NET? Why PostgreSQL?

Why .NET

.NET is a rich environment for building applications such as native, mobile and web applications.

It has an extensive library with support for everything you need from machine learning to Web API frameworks to extensive mathematical libraries, to extensive support for things like relational databases and PostgreSQL, .NET has everything that you need.

At Brick Abode, we especially care about building rich web and mobile applications, and ASP.NET is wonderful for that:

  • It has the right technical details for a modern web framework
  • It has beautiful support for building APIs
  • It has good support for Websockets, which is uncommon among stable, mature web frameworks
  • It’s open-source
  • Performance is amazing

For example, how you do URL routing and modularity of your implementations, or what is the relationship between pages and API points in your URL namespace? These are things that many people don’t see about web development, buit when you open the hood and look in the engine of ASP you see that they are done very well.

Why PostgreSQL

Today, Postgres is improving, and commercial databases are not, so it’s very clear to see that PostgreSQL is the future of relational databases. Anyone doing serious innovation today inside of the relational database space is doing it as an extension to PostgreSQL. They’re not doing it on the commercial relational databases, and they are not doing it by building a new database, they’re doing it by extending Postgres.

Postgres has reached that magical place in free software where it’s just the dominant platform, and it makes sense for everybody to collaborate inside of that platform instead of competing with each other. As a result, PostgreSQL has some truly amazing capabilities.

Those capabilities include features like timescaleDB, which let you do large scale from time structured data without sacrificing performance. Features like citus and the other high availability frameworks. Specialized applications, like geospatial imaging systems and doing geographical data and queries, where you are storing data according to its location on the earth and then saying give me all the things near this place on the Earth’s surface to such radius, very specialized domains where Postgres gives you very strong capabilities. People did big extensions with Json and XML. People are doing interesting extensions today for machine learning. In one domain after another, it’s Postgres that brings these things, and all of it is built on a truly beautiful database architecture.